Veden imetysallas keskellä havupuumetsää Altaan vasemmalla puolella on hiekkakenttä, jola on lyhyttä kasvillisuutta.

Better water for Turku region

Turku Region Water Ltd. produces artificially recharged groundwater for nine municipalities.

Turku Region Water Ltd.

Turku Region Water Ltd. is a wholesale water company providing drinking water for the nine Turku region municipalities. The company has been responsible for the planning and developing of water distribution in the Turku region for over 40 years.

Turku Region Water has chosen the managed aquifer recharge method to secure the water production of the region. Nowadays the company is the second largest water producer in Finland and annually delivers over 23 million cubic metres of water to ca. 300 000 customers.

Kaksi Turun Seudun Vesi Oy:n työntekijää piirrustusten ääressä.
Vihreää, kevyesti aaltoilevaa vettä, joka heijastaa valoa.

Ecological water production

Turku Region Water Ltd. produces artificially recharged groundwater, which is purified by natural methods. The purification process of the artificially recharged groundwater is similar to the formation of natural groundwater, but the process is controlled and optimized. The pre-treated water is infiltrated into the esker, after which it flows in the aquifer for three months.

The produced groundwater is pumped and transferred to consumers via a pipeline. At the end of the pipeline, there's a turbine that generates part of the electricity used in the production process.

The Board of Turku Region Water Ltd.

Jonas Heikkilä (Chairman), Turku
Maaret Laakso, Turku
Markku Monnonen, Turku
Rauni Niinimäki, Turku
Pirjo Niinivirta, Turku
Tero Kuusisto, Kaarina
Kurt Lundqvist, Parainen
Mari Mikkola, Lieto
Juha Haapakoski, Naantali
Veijo Mikola, Raisio

Alas virtaavaa, kirkasta vettä, joka heijastaa valoa.

Turku Region Water Ltd. on social media

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